Monday, November 13, 2006


I've finally conquered my kiln anxiety! Woo-hoo! I've been firing it up at least once a week, sometimes more. (Which is quite a bit, considering that I'm only working at the school two days a week, of course I'm there almost every weekday . . . ). I'm witnessing exciting things. Most of these students have never worked with clay before.

They like to paint them rather than glaze them, which is fine with me. It's much cheaper and much more immediate.

The second grader who created this sculpture chatted excitedly to her friends, "See! It's a dog! With spots. I'm going to give it to my mom or maybe my dad for Christmas."

The second grader who created this figure told me, "I don't even know why I made it. It's a person, a clay person. I think it's cool."

Here's a work in progress

"It's a lagoon, and it has a little car thing and a waterslide."

This kindergartener enjoyed exploring.

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