Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A New School Year!
It's the first week of art classes. All classes begin with the drawing center.

"I just cut out the wings and glued it, it doesn't have a body. It has a squiggly mouth."
-second grader

"I just drew it by a mirror, I didn't know I was going to draw it really good."
second grader

"It's a silly face, isn't it funny?"
-second grader

"Do you know what these are? They're two dinosaurs. It was hard to cut out the teeth."
-first grader

"You are going to be so surprised by this picture. It's me, at Halloween. I'm a cheerleader or a princess or something. And that's my little sister in the pink dress. (She loves pink). And those are other people in their costumes."
-first grader