Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Happy Holidays!
Students work hard to create holiday decorations. They come up with their own ideas, or take inspiration from classmates.
"This is a tube, decorated with ornaments, I couldn't glue the star to the top of the tube, so I put this thing [souffle cup] on top, then glued the star on."

"The white stuff is snow, and there are ornaments, and I found a wooden star for the top. 'Cept at my house, we don't have a star on top, we have a angel."

The artist the created this ceramic Santa Claus modeled him after a fabric Santa Claus she'd made in class earlier.

Pastels and watercolor, on construction paper. 

An amazing 3-d paper sculpture that includes a Christmas tree, fireplace, gingerbread man, and even a stream!