Art is messy
"I know what art is for! Art is for being creative, and it's okay if you get messy!"
-Kindergarten boy, talking to classmates
It's true, art can be very messy. Definitely untidy. When the artists get going, there is a flurry of art bits going everywhere. Glue, tape, paper, fabric, and more. And, as an art teacher, I am okay with it. That flurry of activity indicates massive amounts of inspiration and creativity at work. Students are learning problem solving and critcial thinking skills.
A kindergartner experimenting with glue, scissors, and paper.
"Well, first this was going to be a hat, but it didn't really work that way, so I made it into a decoration that you can hang over a baby's crib. So the baby has something to look at."
This creation, made from strips of cardboard was almost as tall as the artist!
"Well, it's a beach, this is the coconut tree, and that's the sand, and there's little shells on it."
Here is a large creation, put together at the construction center. Unfortunately, I've lost the narrative that accompanies this charming piece. I'll try to track down the artist this week.
"This took SO long to make! Do you like the little pom pom guy? He has button eyes!"
"Well, it's a beautiful ornament for the Christmas tree. It was hard to glue the pretty fabrics on, they kept sliding."