First and second grade artists
"Leprechaun's day is a day of money and greed and choclit."
"This is my clay guy. He's supposed to stand up, but I have to hold him up. Those other things are what my friend made to go with the guy."
This is yours truly standing in front of a section of mural that the second graders created.
"Well, what we did was, she started and then we copycatted her. But it's okay, she said we could. Mostly we painted first, and added collage stuff, but then we painted after, too."
"I don't know what it's called, but I did collage first then painted. It has lots of colors. And I sort of splatted over it."
Block city, created by first graders.As soon as I took this photo, they gleefully destroyed the city!
"It's a grabbing thing," a first grader tells me, "I made it at construction, and you move this part, and the ends move."