Sunday, October 26, 2008

These are a brand new addition to our art choices: Keva planks. The students LOVE them. They are simple planks, that follow the fibonacci sequence . . . students can make all sorts of structures. We have 200 now, and I'm hoping to buy more soon.

Originally uploaded by shoppingformykids

the beauty of student directed artwork

Originally uploaded by shoppingformykids
is that they come up with ideas and creations that I would never think of. This first grader was simply creating, and decided that this was a butterfly. Do you see the symmetry?

watercolor crayons

Originally uploaded by shoppingformykids
First graders were introduced to water soluble media

"I spent the whole class time

working on this. It's name is colorful sculpture. I don't know what it is, but it was hard to make!"

~first grader

sixth graders

Originally uploaded by shoppingformykids
"It's an ICU for pencils. You see, I'm emotionally attached to my pencils, and when they break, I HAVE to fix them!"

first graders . . .

Originally uploaded by shoppingformykids
were excited to use slits to construct cardboard towers.