Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wonderful things are happening here! (Unfortunately, I've misplaced my card reader, so I can't upload photos right now. It'll turn up soon, though . . .)

The kinders have the drawing, collage, and modeling clay centers open. And I've begun introducing watercolors to them as well! These kids love the collage materials, especially the staplers and hole punches. It's wonderful to see the spontaneous way they approach their work. These are artists unconstrained by the pressure to create "SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL".

The other classes have more centers available:

  • weaving with three larger wooden looms, and lots of small handmade cardboard looms
  • watercolors and tempera paint
  • collage
  • drawing
  • origami
  • pen and ink
  • clay

I am seeing genuine artmaking happening in these groups.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Lots of things are happening in the art studio. Drawing is a favorite, especially with sharpie markers.

The fifth grader who created this told me, "I like to draw creepy things. This eye could be the eye of a creature who has reappeared."

Using one of the How to Draw books, another fifth grader created this,

"I didn't know I could draw this good!"

The sixth grader who created this piece wowed her classmates by creating skin tones with just a basic set of prang watercolors.

Kindergartners have a simpler set up right now, they have drawing and a few collage items. Their enthusiasm is amazing.

"This is the mimsy from that movie"

This is a view of the kindergartners working with colored paper, markers, and glue sticks