Thursday, February 08, 2007

I'm pretty excited! In two weeks I'll go to St. George for the Utah Art Educator's Association convention. I went last year, and met quite a few people. It's great to spend a couple days with people who are just as immersed and interested in art ed as me.

Things in the classroom are really moving along. I've picked up a couple of sixth grade volunteer students from across the hall (I only teach k-3). They are weaving belts on cardboard looms. I love being there and feeling the excitement.

One student said, "I love your classroom. It makes me want to, you know, make stuff!" That was a huge compliment to me, as that is EXACTLY what I'm trying to do. My room is very casual, often cluttered, and filled with as much artwork as I can mount on walls and bulletin boards. I have things in the hall, as well as art hanging from the ceiling! I do have Art prints as well, and even a hand made art elements poster. It certainly doesn't look as though a professional designed it. It looks like it belongs to the students. Which it does.

Monday, February 05, 2007

I love block printing, but it takes up so much space . . . I've introduced it to my two smallest classes. This was created by a first grader. She went on to create prints for all the seasons,

"When they're dry, I'll put them all in a book!"
Here, is a "cat feeder" created by a second grader. "See, Mrs. Dyer? Each cat has a side to get to the dish!"

This sewn sculpture took two class periods to put together. First the student sewed and stuffed it, then she decorated it.
Three girls created a stuffed pillow using construction paper, fabric, and TONS of tape! It was created as a gift to their teacher.